17 March, 2006

March 17, 1978

After Assembelly we had a film about Coventry.  I did clay work after play + I made a coil pot.  Post lunch we were taken to the Belgrade Theatre dans* Coventry.  We saw, or be particular, took part in, and Adventure In the Deep.  We went to Atlantis and we got a Citizens Card! I got back in time to watch Jackanory.  Ballet: I was in the best mime group.  After supper I watched the Goodies.

I remember miming nursery rhymes at Ballet; I was much better at this side of it than the actual dancing, and after I stopped doing ballet I went to an acting group, but I never went very far with it.  I do occasionally have to record my voice at work, though, and I’m quite good at keeping it consistent, so perhaps I learned something.

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