26 January, 2006

January 26, 1978

In Radio Assembly there was a space, ‘Jonah and the Whale’. It was ‘Jo Warnack and Recycler’. It is not finished yet. In French we drew pictures froma house and wrote the French name by them. I did not go swimming. I will explain why tomorrow – it’s a secret today. I got ‘Miss Bianca in the Salt Mines’ from the library. I will discontinue my topic. I watched ‘Blue Peter’ and ‘The Good Life’.

If you remember the film “The Rescuers”, Miss Bianca was one of the characters in that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm just wondering if you were going to school in Leamington Spa at the time, I'm Susan Schledt. Just wondering if that's me in your diary.