21 January, 2006

January 21, 1978

I did not go to Fire Maid rehearsal because I have a sore throat and Mummy doesn’t want me to have to miss school on Monday. I watched Multi Coloured Swap Shop. They had an ornithologist. I read and listened to ‘The Mikado’ in the afternoon, until Jill came. Then we went shopping. I got Bobby’s bithith bithuthdy present and a book. Then we watched T. V. Bobby gave me some cake from Adrian’s party.

Jill was Adrian’s sister so I’m assuming she was escaping his party by coming to play with me. Jill is now an administrator at the university my father used to work at; her brother is a major in the army, and testified for a soldier under his command who was accused of mistreating Iraqi prisoners. Their last name, Grinonneau, I have only just realised I had absolutely no idea to spell, when I tried Googling them.

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