09 December, 2006

December 9, 1978

Dearest Yolande
This morning I walked around complaining of my homework, practice being hard done by etc. When I had practiced the piano I rang Catherine. She came round. We made a study of the class’ foot shapes (so that Lucy wouldn’t expect any Xmas presents when we drew round her feet for ballet shoes). We then gave them a rest lesson by listening to a concert. Then they had a craft lesson (we decorated the room with paper chains, snowflakes from cut-up paper, angels from doilys, Xmas trees and balloons from tissue paper. After lunch we made stuffed dates. After piano I went to the library and then prepared a talk for English. It is on ‘Dolls Now + Then’. In the evening there was a dinner party. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Yesterday I passed my Bronze Self-Survival test! Love, Katie

Hope you realise these are my dolls we are talking about!

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