28 December, 2006

December 28, 1978

This morning we went into town (Exeter) and I got a Letts Schoolgirls Diary and four postcards of stamps. Then I went to the library where Daddy was and we had inspirations and puzzlements over my Christmas House Quiz. We all had a jam doughnut in the Milkmaid. After lunch we played around with Action men. I kitted one up for Arctic weather. We did lots of stuff, including our first rehearsal of Ali Baba, the play that came with Davids theatre.

For those not familiar with the British school system, often schools are divided into "houses" which, in a boarding school, will be where you sleep, but in a day school, will either be just a group for pupils to compete with other groups, or will have a bit more internal structure. Ours had a tradition of fiendishly difficult Christmas Quizzes - think Times Crossword coupled with general knowledge - my dad was addicted, I think he suffered withdrawal symptoms when we left the school.

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