25 October, 2006

October 25, 1978

Today I washed + dried by blue pinny fore + then we packed + left. We arrived in Oxford + parked. I spent a bout an hour in Blackwells childrens bookshop. Then after lunch at 'Browns' we went to 'Laura Ashley's' were I got a very very very pretty new dress + then at Oasis I got a bangle to match. Then we went home + played + played. When we went to bed we had a feast.

Brown's is still in the same place in Oxford, and still one of my favourite restaruants. It's also the scene of an incident, famous in my family, when my mother and my aunts went for lunch and waited ages and ages for service. The table had not been cleared so my mother pocketed the tip the previous people had left, and then left it herself for the waiter that (eventually) served them.

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