16 September, 2006

September 16, 1978

The morning we played with the Fisher Price toys and I did some reading and we played The London Game and Cluedo. Then after lunch Clare Billet, Stephanie Billet, Bobby Alcock, Eric Billet (adult) and I went to Victoria Park. We had a great time and whilst we were at the upper half the Halls (Timothy, Jon + Benj) came. We went home + played murder in the Dark. After supper WE SAW AN ECLIPSE OF THE MOON!!!!!

Clare and Stephanie’s mother, Lesley, is my godmother – they are still family friends. Clare is an engineer, Stephanie is a driving instructor, and Lesley and Eric are retired from teaching, and being a professor of design, respectively – and they were all at our wedding. I recently ran into Tim Hall again by accident – he saw my name on an email that went round to friends and, as mine is a bit more distinctive than his, he thought it must be me, and got in touch – in fact, he also came to our wedding, and we still bump into him occasionally. His brothers, Jonathan and Benjamin, are twins.

Unusually, I'm quite a way ahead with typing up this diary so will continue to publish a new entry daily (as far as possible) but will try and go back and type up more of the August entries. So if you are reading this and have read earlier entries, it's worth going back to see if there's any you missed.

And if you like it, or it's triggered any memories, or both - please comment! I know I have a few readers but almost no comments.

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